Sunday, December 2, 2012

Major Site Update

Henry Ford keeping warm by the fireplace. We're keeping warm by the computer.

Now that cooler weather has set in and garage time is getting shorter, I have been working on a major site update. So far I have 50+ new entries ready to post and will be doing just that over the next few days. As you come to expect here at Vintage Ford Facts, quite a bit of the things I will be posting are not well known or easily researched.

While some automotive history sites carpet bomb a site with new content, we prefer a more laid back approach. Our content here is unique in that we don't rely on photo heavy posts with little substance. Rather we try to present information that would not otherwise be known unless you have a large Ford reference collection.

Thanks for reading and feel free to contact me with any questions.

-Luke Dahlinger
Vintage Ford Facts