Saturday, February 19, 2011

Edsel Ford's Summer Residence

Edsel Ford had several homes including his primary residence in Grosse Pointe, MI which is open to the public for tours. Ford House Link Here.....

One of the homes Edsel & Eleanor Ford frequented was "Skylands" located in Seal Harbor, Maine. The house was designed by Duncan Candler and the landscaping done by Jens Jensen, the renown landscape architect who also did the landscaping of Henry Ford's Fair Lane estate.
Click for HUGE photo showing more detail
The home was built in 1925 and was owned until the 1970's when the Leede Family bought it and in turn more recently sold it to Martha Stewart of Television & Insider Trading fame. Just in case you're wondering.... she paid $5 Million for Skylands in 1997
Martha Moments Blog  
This link has many photos on two seperate pages. Click "older posts" at the bottom of the page to see more.

We will cover Edsel Ford's other residences in subsequent posts.