Tuesday, January 4, 2011

William Hamilton Funeral Home Detroit, MI

When Edsel Ford died in 1943 & when Henry Ford died in 1947, both were taken to the William Hamilton Funeral Home in Detroit, MI.

I believe Clara Ford was taken here in 1950 as well. 

The building still exists albeit in poor shape. DetroitFunk has some excellent photos of the building and you can take a look at his site here.

However services were not held at the Hamilton Funeral home, they were held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Detroit. This is the same church that The Very Rev. Samuel Marquis oversaw in the earlier days. In case you didn't know Marquis was personal friends with Ford and Ford once told Marquis, "Mark, I want you to put Jesus Christ in my factory." This may have been a snide joke- as Ford didn't believe in organized religion but was a rather stern believer in reincarnation. Marquis later went on to work for Henry Ford in the ill famed Sociological Department at Highland Park.

St. Paul's is still a working church and you can visit their website here.

This is a 1947 photo of Henry Ford's Funeral held at St. Paul's in Detroit.