Thursday, January 27, 2011

Homes of Ford Executives - Harry Bennett

Periodically we take a look at the homes of Ford Executives from the 1903-1940 era here on Vintage Ford Facts.  We covered Charles Sorensen's homes at this link.

This time around we are taking a look at Harry Bennett's houses known as "The Castle" and "The Lodge"

      Harry Bennett in the early 1940s.
Retro Kimmer over at her blog has some excellent entries on The Bennett Castle and Lodge. Her site is well worth checking out!
Retro Kimmer's Harry Bennett Castle Photos from 1984
Retro Kimmer's Harry Bennett Lodge Photos
Retro Kimmer's Letter from Harry Bennett's Grandson
Be sure to watch the castle tour video in the 2nd link. It's very interesting!

Among other homes he had included a Pagoda shaped waterfront house in Grosse Ile, MI and rumored to have a couple hideaway style houses throughout Michigan, but this is unconfirmed.

Upon his departure from Michigan, Bennett settled in Desert Hot Springs, California at the end of a very long road that bears his name to this day. This house recently came up for sale, but I am unsure if it sold or not.

We will be doing another feature on Harry Bennett in the very near future so be sure to check back!